Since 1988, Northern Storage & Transport has safely and successfully repossessed tens of thousands of vehicles in Connecticut for financial institutions nationwide, including Fortune 500 asset-based lenders. We have achieved this remarkable success by continuously focusing on safety, respect and compliance. Our facilities, equipment, employee protocol and recovery methods are designed to ensure protection of your collateral.
Simply put, Northern is a pioneer in reliable, safe and effective asset repossession.
Safety & Compliance:
We use trucks designed specifically for repossession work: self-loading wheel lifts.
All drivers have DOT medical cards.
All vehicles are DOT certified; drivers are knowledgeable on DOT requirements.
All vehicles are insured for tow-away coverage.
All drivers are insured for drive-away coverage.
We have a $1 million employee dishonesty bond directly through a US Insurer.
All staff have DMV and background checks as a prerequisite to employment.
All staff is trained in GLB, FDCPA and Red Flag compliance.
All staff is CARS Certified.
All repossessed assets are stored in secured, fenced and lit storage facilities.
Insurance coverage is in excess of industry standards.
We maintain a policies and procedures manual and compliance is documented.
It's easy to work with us.
Our services are presented to you online as well as through a customer service representative assigned specifically to you. Our organizational chart assigns responsibility and accountability. All functions are fully integrated as we all work towards the common focus: tailoring our services to your needs to provide the appropriate solution.